Communicate with Real Impact
The Academic Edit
Providing meticulous academic editorial services tailored to the specific needs of institutions and academics. From proofreading to copy, line and developmental editing, our expert editorial team can help you communicate with real impact.
What do we edit?
For academics and institutions we can help with:
REF related documents, e.g. Impact Case Studies, Research Environment Statements
Grant writing
Research proposals
Journal papers
Research projects
Report writing
Conference proceedings
Case studies
Strategy documents
“Both the academics and I were very impressed and grateful for your most effective and efficient help on the EC grant application, especially when we gave you such short notice”
Subjects Covered
Our editors specialise in the following academic subjects:
Business & Management Studies
Computer Science and Informatics
English Language and Literature
Mathematical Sciences
Politics and International Studies
Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience
Get in touch to schedule a call and find out how we can help.
“I believe more in the scissors than I do the pencil,” Truman Capote
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